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Sports Luxe

Sunnies (Cotton on), Jersey (PE nation, Leggings (PE nation), shoes (Adidas)

I am going to go to the gym tonight, I tell myself.

A few hours pass and I am still rugged up in my pj’s, eating a bag of chips and binge watching youtube.

A day passes and I make up another excuse why I shouldn’t go to the gym, oh no I have a cough.

The days that I do exercise, however, I usually feel energized and accomplished once I get there.

I feel as though if you wear the right clothes that you feel confident in, it will make it a lot easier to work towards your goals.

Whenever I am wearing PE nation, I always feel so motivated and sporty and I just love how trendy their line is.

This is a 2 part series, stay tuned for next weeks blog post as I will be sharing what my favorite workouts are.

Until next time,

Courtney xoxo 

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